1960s Storage Ideas

When I am out searching for my 1960s and 1970s items I always look out for some retro storage ideas to keep my collections in. I love the look of them around the house and it just seems to make sense to add items to my collection  this way. Two items I have found recently have given me lots of storage with a 60s and 70s look and at a price that can't be beaten really.

One is this 1960s or 70s LP record storage case I bought at a car boot sale for £1. It still has the original key and I keep lots of my 1970s LPs in it next to my lovely record player my family bought me  a few years ago. You can't beat the sound of a 70s vinyl record! I'm always on the look out for more but at about £25 each on ebay I think I'll keep scouring the car boot sales.

A 1960s 1970s LP Record Storage Case
A 1960s 1970s LP Record Storage Case

The other great storage find was an Air India 1960s vanity case I noticed under a table at a jumble sale and also cost me £1.

1960s Air India Vanity Case

It is in lovely condition and has the original Air India logo of The Maharajah which was the mascot from 1946 until 2015.

The Air India Maharajah The Logo From 1946 To 2015
The Air India Maharajah The Logo From 1946 To 2015

The inside is still lined with some beautiful 1950s or 60s Christmas wrapping paper. So neatly done I wonder if many people today would take so much trouble and look after an item for so long. 

The Inside Of The 1960s Air India Vanity Case
The Inside Of The 1960s Air India Vanity Case
I keep it on top of my wardrobe with my little retro toys inside and I love the look of it. New storage would be ten times the price and not nearly so much fun! If you need extra storage and who doesn't really, it is worth searching through car boot sales and jumble sales as with a bit of patience and perseverance lots of interesting storage can be found.

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