Blinky Winky Toy Dolls

In many of my baby photos in 1960 and 1961 a little black doll appears. It must have been quite a precious toy as it is in lots of photos. I have no recollection of it at all so it can't have survived very long but looking back I often wondered what it was. Recently whilst searching through ebay I came across one. It was called a Blinky Winky doll.

Blinky Winky Doll
Me As A Baby With The Blinky Winky Doll

After a bit of searching I found out it had been the most popular toy to be made in Japan in 1960. Manufactured first as a baby's plaything, this little doll soon became a craze with teenagers and housewives. In thirty years of searching around every type of sale, I have never seen one which makes me think they were not that good quality and haven't survived. However they are not that uncommon or expensive on ebay so they are out there. I'm sure if I ever found one I would not be able to resist buying it.

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