Simple Board Games For Young Children

A few months ago I went to a scouts jumble sale. I was very pleased to find this little Spears Tell Me game my sister and I used to play as young children. As I picked it up I told the two little boy scouts behind the counter that we had played this for hours and hours when we were young. They looked at this little box incredulously and smiled politely. Of course we didn't have the internet in those days I found myself saying apologetically as I paid my 20p.

1960s Spears Tell Me Game
1960s Spears Tell Me Game
1960s Spears Tell Me Game
1960s Spears Tell Me Game
I carried on down the table and picked up an old Dunlop wooden tennis racket in a wooden press. Again I felt very nostalgic as it was exactly the same as the one I had at school. As I put it down on the table, as if I hadn't been made to feel ancient enough, I heard one boy scout say "What is that, some sort of snow shoe?" "Oh no" replied the second scout "It's a tennis racket from the olden days." Oh dear.

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